Debunking the Myths of Female Ejaculation MasterClass
Do any amount of research and you will find many conflicting pieces of information that may leave you more confused than ever about what exactly this sacred act is all about.
If you’ve ever been curious to know more or feel a desire in your body to explore this for yourself, come join me for a candid conversation about what it is, what it is not and everything in between.
On this Debunking the Myths of Female Ejaculation MasterClass, you will…
• Open your mind and heart to the power of Amrita.
• Discover why it’s important that we open up to this potent possibility of pleasure and power in our female bodies.
• Learn about and debunk the myths that keep this profound experience out of reach for so many women.
PS- Join conversation on this topic and more in The Pussy Collective FB Group.

Come on In!
08PM -12AM
12 PM – 02 AM
+(000) 111 222 333
543 TN, doula street
NY, New York