A live, virtual experience to celebrate and connect women to the majesty & potent power of the Art of Pussyology.

What is Pussyology?

Pussyology is a sacred practice of reading the codes and symbols found in a woman’s vulva; serving as an oracle to provide wisdom, insight and spiritual guidance.

You are invited to join us for a profound online experience hosted by the Portal Priestess Mystery School to explore and connect with your most sacred portal of life and poweryour yoni – through the Art of Pussyology!

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Temple of the Sacred Portal

By entering the Temple you will…

  • Enjoy a glorious celebration of your womanhood in a fun, sacred and awe-inspiring ritual
  • Witness a live Pussyology reading and be initiated into the Portal Priestess Mystery School practices
  • Discover the hidden symbols, archetypes and divine feminine presence within a woman’s sacred flower (this one you have to come and SEE for yourself!) 
  • Heal misaligned perceptions of your sacred anatomy by seeing her through a completely different lens
  • Invigorate your personal power and learn to harness it for all of your desires & dreams
  • Explore & dismantle stories of shame and shadow around feminine body image that may be holding you back  
  • Walk away with a deeply intimate understanding of your power from the source of which all life is birthed  
  • Be connected with a global sisterhood committed to harnessing the magic of their sacred portal


A Virtual Temple Experience

We offer our introductory event several times a year:

  • Sunday, September 22, 2024 from 10am – 2pm PT

  • Sunday, December 15, 2024 from 10 am – 2pm PT

This is a highly interactive experience, so come ready to participate as though you are attending an in-person gathering. 

Due to the sensitive nature and sacredness of this gathering, this event is limited to adults over 18 years of age who identify as a woman and can commit to attending the full 4-hour experience (no drop-ins or recorded replays) .

Temples are available on a sliding scale to make them accessible to everyone who wishes to participate.

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This gathering is for any human who identifies as a woman who is interested in awakening to a deeper relationship, understanding and connection with your divine portal. 

This gathering is for you if…

  • You’re ready to step into a whole new understanding of how to use the power of your p*ssy and her magic to create your dreams and desires.
  • You long for a safe and sacred space to explore the depths of your personal Yoniverse.
  • You hold any feelings of shame around your p*ssy or simply desire to develop a better relationship with her.
  • You’re curious and interested in learning about the art of this ancient Portal Temple decoding technique and harness it to discover what your sacred flower has to say and reveal to you.

Disclaimer:  While there will be an opportunity to witness a live Portal Oracle reading during a portion of this Temple, which is the most magical and powerful part of this experience, only one woman who has specifically volunteered to be the recipient of this sacred honor will reveal her sacred flower. No other participants will be asked to show any part of their genitals at any time.



What Women Are Saying

Elizabeth Martin Chan, says...

The idea of a pussy reading might initially feel uncomfortable, but what unfolds is a process of gently opening and freeing of personal blockages. Being vulnerable in this way for me, opened the door to being vulnerable in other areas of my life. Doing this in community was more transformational than I expected. It normalized a part of my body, tearing down internalized personal, and communal, shame. Journeying with Sierra and a community of sisters, in a container of time, brought an element of sacredness to my pussy, and to every pussy I’ve witnessed. Don’t sign up for this program because it sounds like a fun, crazy whim; sign up because you want to commit to stepping into a space where you are seen for all your…  innate beauty,  and power, and sacredness.” 

Irene, says...

“My oracle reading with Sierra was everything I imagined and so much more! It was the most intimate conversation I have ever had with a stranger. To be seen and witnessed on such a tender level was exactly the shift of energy that I yearned for to deepen my relationship to myself as well as to my husband.

Sierra gave generously of her time and wisdom in a humorous and light hearted way that immediately felt like I was speaking to an old friend. She left me with many tools to continue and deepen my exploration of sexuality and the juiciness of life. Its been 30 days and I can feel the ripples of this reading filtering into my life, shaking up the uneasy parts and bringing them into the light; my newly found connection to my pussy giving me the awareness and the courage to face them. Thank you!” – Irene

Lori, says...

“I cannot sing your praises enough…. since my reading with you, my libido has skyrocketed, back to a healthy pulse! I’m celebrating that!” – Lori

Dr. Julie, says...

“Wow, thank you!!  After my reading, I feel reactivated and in touch with my pussy!  I forgot how much she can light up with information. I’ve rediscovered that she has an intuitive knowing and important stuff to share when I create space to be in a relationship with her. Asking questions, she lights up (or not)… reading something that excites me shows up in energy moving around her too. I was looking for something twice, and my yoni pointed me to it. She is so powerful!

Sierra, you are so tender and alive. Our time together was amazing and the information was powerful.  I’m fascinated, yet somehow not surprised, with your gifts and the information my pussy has. Thank you for embracing and nurturing your soul’s gift with the world and helping us honor ourselves and the wisdom of our pussies!” – Dr. Julie

Anick Patry, says...

“I had an exquisite fascinating intimate pussy oracle reading with gorgeous Sierra. Her wisdom, humour, depth, openness and playfulness made the reading enjoyable and authentic.

The richness of all the details and archetypes she could see in there was so insightful, revealing and profound. It is a vulnerable yet such fun experience to connect with my pussy and with Sierra’s unique work. I loved it and I highly recommend a reading to all awaken women on the path of evolution and self-discovery.” – Anick Patry transformational coach, voice healer, speaker

GG, says...

“As the synchronistic universe would have it, I’ve been invited to be the “model” for one of Sierra Sullivan’s paradigm-busting Pussy Oracle Readings. This means my private bits are going to be read like a Rorschach (or a palm) to discover the messages encoded within. With 30 sisters looking on. Gulp. 

Why would I do this, you ask? Admittedly, not every woman feels called. But, I do invite every sister to ‘see’ herself – with a mirror. So, to be honest, I feel compelled to explore this work and take it to the next level.


Is an Initiation.
Is an Awakening.
Is an Alchemy of Transformation.
Is an Honoring of the Divine Feminine in the most primal of ways.

Every person brought to earth is conceived and birthed through this sacred portal. Yet rather than honoring Her, society gives us messages of shame, revulsion or objectification. If we are courageous (and supported) we can discover more than we have ever realized before. Our unique hidden map, messages, symbols and codes depict our purpose and power.

“Give Her time on your altar; Be altered by Her.” ~ Sierra Sullivan

Sierra starts the reading by masterfully guiding us through her “Yoniverse,” with images of fruit, trees, and flowers that mirror our own beautiful blossom. As we watch in awe and wonder, we discover a new relationship with our sacred portal.

Now it’s my turn. Photos of my most private and intimate self – visible, vulnerable, and evoking a myriad of responses from a circle of women who have joined Sierra for the reading.  

Did I tell you my “Why”? To demystify our hidden sex, and unearth ancient truths about ourselves. A woman’s sex has been devalued, name-called, and degraded in ways that can’t help but be internalized. Our work is to shift that paradigm.

As I am being witnessed by so many curious eyes, at first I feel shy and self conscious, then energized and expanded. Patterns, symbols, and archetypes are named … a chalice, a rose, birds, animals, and mystical creatures. All at once, the conversation changes – reverence and honor reverberate. We come to face the source of feminine power and, with that, a woman’s capacity for pleasure.

This experience is raw and undeniable.

I feel a solidarity with my sisters, a rediscovery of our commonality, and our uniqueness.

I feel on fire to share as the truth of our sacred portal is a game changer. 

For women who feel drawn to an accelerated path of transformation, I invite you to join this unique experience.

In honor,

Meet Your

Portal Priestess Guides

Founder • Lead Facilitator of the Portal Priestess Temple • PORTAL Oracle

Sierra J Sullivan

Sierra J. Sullivan is an Empowerment Mentor, Ritualist, Pussy Oracle, Ceremony Officiant & Sacred Journey Guide for women & couples who seek more connection and alignment in life, love and relationship.

Throughout her nearly 20 years in service to the re-emergence of the divine feminine, Sierra has successfully helped women all over the world to embrace more of who they are through the art of pleasure, play, fun and ritual as a powerful and effective way to create their dreams and desires. 

Her mission is to eradicate pussy shame from the planet and support women in claiming the divinity of their sacred portals and awakening to the mystery and majesty that can be found in the divine design of a woman’s flower. She is also the co-founder of Eden World a private membership club for evolutionary couples that supports building more loving relationships and a world that works for everyone. 

Co-Facilitator & Portal Priestess ORACLE / Ritualist & Flame Keeper

Kimberly Laverdure

Kimberly is a seasoned ritualist, spiritual healer, and psychic oracle who co-facilitates the Pussology readings. With her profound connection to the spiritual realms, she channels divine wisdom and guidance for those seeking deeper understanding. Kimberly has dedicated numerous years to walking the path of sacred service alongside Sierra within this sacred ministry, sharing her intuitive gifts and nurturing the spiritual growth of countless seekers.

Her role extends beyond the mystical realms as she serves as a guiding light in the training of Portal Priestess Initiates, instilling within them the ancient wisdom and practices of the sacred feminine. Through her mastery of ritualistic ceremonies, she creates sacred spaces where profound healing and transformation unfold.

In addition to her spiritual duties, Kimberly brings her innate understanding of systems and technology to the Temple, serving as our Virtual Life Alchemist. As the mistress of tech, communications, and customer support, she seamlessly integrates modern tools with ancient wisdom, ensuring the Temple remains a beacon of light in the digital age.